hi, I’m sol.

Welcome! If you’re here it probably means you already know (vaguely) who I am. On the off chance you don’t: I am a Mexican-American artist currently based in eastern NC. I’m self-taught and alright but getting better everyday. Art is the reason I’m alive.

SUNSH!T is a random name that I came up with before my frontal lobe fully developed and now I’m way too attached to it to change it. Between you and me, I wouldn’t change it even if I could and if I ever do please check on me. The name doesn’t mean or represent anything.

I hold many other titles in my life, but that of “artist” is definitely the one I cherish and care for the most. My art is very personal to me and most of the time I draw my feelings. I love loud colors and little details. I love feminine features, sparkly eyes, and interesting faces. I love texture.

I hope my work makes you feel something.

I hope you enjoy my website but I would suggest following me on instagram!